Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stale NFS file handle error

This error message usually happens seen when a file or directory that was opened by an NFS client is removed, renamed, or replaced.

In order to fix this problem, the NFS file handles must be renegotiated.

You can Try one of these on the client machine:

1.Unmount and remount the file system, may need to use the -O (overlay option) of mount.

From the man pages:
-O Overlay mount. Allow the file system to be mounted over an existing mount point, making the underlying file system inaccessible. If a mount is attempted on a pre-existing mount point without setting this flag, the mount will fail, producing the error "device busy".

2. Kill or restart the process trying to use the nonexistent files.

3. Create another mount point and access the files from the new mount point.

4. Run: /etc/init.d/nfs.client stop; /etc/init.d/nfs.client start

5. Reboot the client having problems.

You can also try a process restart of the NFS server daemons.

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