Saturday, March 21, 2009

Copying Downloaded Free DS ROM for DS lite (Free DS Lite Games Download)

I guess since we got this started, if you haven't been reading my post you can catch up by reading back to my earlier posts Installing the R4DS from scratch DS lite R4 and Nintendo DS Lite Roms Download (for NDS Games).

So now you have R4 on your DS lite and have the free download DS lite games the next question will naturally be: HOw do I copy the Free DS Lite Games that I downloaded?

So be a good boy and read on...

1. Unzip the zip file you’ve downloaded using your favorite unzip application but keep the original zip file for future use (sounds good to burn your free nds lite games in a CD).

2. Remove your microSD card from the R4DS cartridge.

3. Insert your microSD card to the microSD USB adaptor that you got when you bought your R4DS.

4. Insert the microSD USB adaptor (where your microSD card is inserted) to your PC’s USB port. Windows will automatically detect it.

5. Go to My Computer. You will see a new drive in it. I'ts your microSD card. Double click it.

6. Copy the .NDS file that you unzipped on step 1 and paste it on the drive that you opened on step 5.

Never paste it to any directory. Just paste it on the root directory. You only need to copy the .NDS files, no more, no less, ignore the other files that goes with the zip file.

7. Safely remove your USB drive when done copying all the NDS files.

8. Remove the microSD card from the microSD USB adaptor.

9. Insert the microSD card to your R4DS cartridge.

10. Insert your R4DS cartridge to your Nintendo DS Lite.

11. Turn on your Nintendo DS Lite.

If you followed all the directions above correctly, you’ll be able to see the copied games on the list of games on your R4DS now.


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