Friday, March 13, 2009

Manually adding persistent dynamic binds using hbanywhere

If you want to dynamically add binding to specific targets so that they don't become automaunted on lower targets available.

The below is the procedure, more or less.

1) make sure they are still disabled on the switch (zoning is not done yet).

2) HBAanywere needs to be installed - typically is

3) run

/usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd setpersistentbinding [wwpn]B P [hba's][scsi][target]

Where, WWPN - is the device's wwnp they you need to add SCSI id is typically 0


Query persistent binding on HBA 10:00:00:00:C9:48:26:10

/usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd persistentbinding 10:00:00:00:C9:48:26:10 L

Set binding for target 130 immediatelly and update lpfc.conf

/usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd setpersistentbinding 10:00:00:00:C9:4B:C2:5F B P 50:05:07:63:0f:4f:6f:26 0 130

4) Now you can activate new target on the switch (update zoning)

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