Saturday, May 26, 2007

Notes on Alpha Males, NiceGuys(TM), and Jerks

Was classified as a Jerk... LOL. Read up

Notes on Alpha Males, NiceGuys(TM), and Jerks

This document is composed of various postings to on the subjects of Alpha Males, NiceGuys(TM), and Jerks. Shy guys tend to fit the description of NiceGuy(TM), which is explained below, and they therefore have little luck with women.
From: (Craig Bruce)
Subject: Alpha Males, NiceGuys(TM), and Jerks
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 23:50:19 GMT
Organization: University of Waterloo, Canada (eh!)

Someone wrote the following to me in a private message in response to a posting I made. I won't say who so as not to betray their anonymity, but I have more to say on the subject of Alpha Males/Jerks/NiceGuys(TM).

>So what is it about these "shallow psychotic wasteoids" [Jerks] that attract
>women in the first place? I have seen in my years that they usually
>attract the younger, more minsunderstanding or "rebel-stage" women.

This is very true; I have seen it myself.

>But, ya have to admit, there's something that makes them darn attractive
>or they'd never have g/f's.

Yes, there is something that makes them attractive.

I am currently taking a Social Psychology course locally, and in the lecture earlier today, the subject was styles of intimate relationships. What way discussed was generalized theory, so there are no hard-and-fast rules and many exceptions, but the following material just hit the nail right on the head for me. It has to do with "Attachment Styles" in adult relationships. To learn your attachment style, select the one of the following paragraphs that best describes your feelings. Don't read the descriptions of the types until you have picked one.

A. I find it relatively easy to get close to others and am comfortable
depending on them and having them depend on me. I don't often worry
about being abandoned or about someone getting close to me.

B. I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others; I find it difficult
to trust them completely, difficult to allow myself to depend on them.
I am nervous when anyone gets too close, and often, love partners want
me to be more intimate than I feel comfortable being.

C. I find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like. I
often worry that my partner doesn't really love me or won't want to stay
with me. I want to merge completely with another person, and this desire
sometimes scares people away.

Which one did you pick? I am guessing that a lot of people in this newsgroup will pick "C", including myself. The names for these attachment styles are: A. "Secure", B. "Avoidant", and C. "Anxious/Ambivalent" (which I'll just call "Anxious" below). The people of the Secure style report more satisfying relationships than people of the Insecure types (either Avoidant or Anxious). "Secure subjects describe highly positive interactions, characterized by happiness, friendship, and trust. Avoidant subjects indicate a fear of closeness. And Anxious subjects report a love life full of emotional extremes, obsessive preoccupation, sexual attraction, desire for union with the partner, and love at first sight. Thus, there are striking parallels between the Secure attachment style and companionate love [(having your mate be your lover and your best friend... Rod Stewart stuff)], as well as between the Anxious style and passionate love [(Romeo and Juliet type stuff)]."

"Looking back, adults with different attachment styles report different childhood experiences. In research conducted in Australia and the United States, secure subjects describe positive family relationships, while avoidant subjects spoke of difficulties with their mother and anxious/ ambivalent subjects mentioned difficulties with their father. ... Among U.S. undergraduate women, an insecure attachment style is correlated with depression." I also think that these tendancies affect all relationships that you have, to some degree.

If we correlate this Social Psychology theory to the NiceGuy(TM) stuff, we get the following classification scheme for male socio-psychology Back to the classification I posted earlier:

------------ -------- -----------
Alpha Males Secure Outgoing, friendly, intelligent, (socially) powerful,
confident, and fun social-group leaders, "have
their shit together"
Regular Guys Secure Much of the stuff above, but not necessarily leaders,
maybe slight NiceGuy(TM) or Jerk qualities
NiceGuys(TM) Anxious Shy, anxious, low social status, maybe many
friendships with women but few real relationships,
a push-over, walked upon by others, "needy",
"clingy", dependent, self-esteem problems,
desperate, tries to move relationships too quickly
Jerks Avoidant Exciting, arrogant, psychotic scum

I'm using a very specific, negative definition of "NiceGuy(TM)" here. Any of the first three types can be "nice" people, in the dictionary sense of the word. And, well, I would guess that there are parallel female equivalents. It is my contention that most human social groups have a male domination hierarchy of some sort, with the more self-confident males near the top and the less self-confident nearer the bottom. Mind you, they don't butt heads or beat each other up; the more dominant ones lead the group, guide the conversation, are the ones that others look up to, etc. The less dominant ones are followers, and in pathological situations, are ridiculed and taken advantage of. There's probably a female domination hierarchy and a "person" hierarchy. To the naysayers and non-believers, I say to take an analytical look around you. It may be subtle and it may be more or less important in different types of groups, but it's there.

Back to attachment style, here is how people with different styles tend to see themselves and other people. Where one sees positively, when there are problems one will think that they are situational and where there good things one will think that they are more typical. Where one sees negatively, one tends to think that bad things are typical and good things are transient, caused by external forces.

-------- ---------- -----------
Secure Positively Positively
Anxious Negatively Positively
Avoidant Positively Negatively

Self-esteem theory says that we always want to maximize our self-esteem and that we derive self-esteem from two sources: achievement and affiliations (friends, groups, lovers). Of course, it takes self-esteem in the first place to get these things, so it is circular feedback loop, which can spiral both upwards and downwards. Secure types have this whole system working in a healthy fashion. Anxious types tend to have a lack of affiliations (or at least close affiliations) and so they draw more of their self-esteem from achievement (things like 4.22 CGPAs). When both sources are cut off, self-esteem plummets. Avoidant types either don't like to be close to other people or they tend to see affiliations as being achievements... in a pathological way. The way for them to achieve in this area is being able to dominate and control people. Avoidants don't care about other people's feelings and are always looking out for #1. They see people as things to conquer.

The types of intimate relationships that people with different attachment styles tend to have is summarized here:

-------- -------- ------------
Secure Secure Smooth, harmonious
Secure Anxious Smooth -- the Secure person is nurturing to the Anxious
Secure Avoidant Conflict -- Secure loses patience, Avoidant is bad
Anxious Anxious Roller Coaster -- highs and lows, intense emotions
Avoidant Anxious Power -- the Avoidant dominates or abuses the Anxious
Avoidant Avoidant No intimate relationship possible

Women tend to look for security in relationships with men and men tend to look for youth and beauty in a female partner. Consequently, women tend to marry socially upwards and men tend to marry socially downwards. Women tend to marry older men and men, younger women. So, women tend to be naturally drawn toward Secure qualities in men, and tend to be turned off by NiceGuy(TM) qualities. Expressed simply, if a woman can walk all over you, she is not going to respect you. If she doesn't respect you, then she's not likely to want a relationship with you.

Now, about Jerks. Jerks tend to see themselves positively and other people negatively, so they tend to have high levels of self-confidence and little respect for other people. It is the high self-confidence that attracts women to them, as it causes them to be rambunctions, energetic risk takers. They think they're God's gift to women. They tend to be spontaneous without really thinking about consequences. They tend to be impulsive, and so give off an air of danger and adventure. If we look at the chart above, we see that Avoidant types (jerks) don't tend to have relationships with each other and relationships with Secure people tend to be filled with conflict since a Secure person is not going to take the Avoidant's "shit". And so, it tends to be the Insecure, Anxious type of women who falls for the Jerk. These are the women who may be called NiceGirls(TM), parallel to NiceGuys(TM), except that instead of being turned off by the type as women tend to be, the Jerks see these women as easy marks, easy to dominate and thereby increase their self-esteem, and, whatever else a man might want to do with a woman.

Think about it... there's this woman who has a low social status, is anxious and insecure, and there is this exciting guy who wants her. How can she resist? And so she falls in love with him, while he is relatively unmoved emotionally (since his self-esteem is derived from social conquest). The relationship is guided by the Principle of Least Interst: the person who is the least interested in the relationship gets to dictate the terms of the relationship. Result: he treats her like shit. He takes advantage of her, dominates and controls her. He sees problems in the relationship as being her fault, and she is inclined to agree since she sees herself negatively, and if she's very lucky, she even gets to be physically abused.

Another thing: A number of people have either said that Alpha Males are defined as the most physically attractive males or that Alpha Males and Jerks are the same thing. I don't think that that is the way things are at all. Alpha Males are the benevolent socially dominant males of a group that tend to be leaders, care about people, and that everyone in the group tends to look up to, including the females, and Jerks are abusive headcases who socialize in order to conquer people. Physical attractiveness is a different issue, although people who are attractive have an extra card in their hand when it comes to self-esteem and how other people perceive them, but this is only a benefit and not a determinant.

Anyway, this is the stuff that I have to say on the subject. But one more thing: human socializing and mating is a very complicated subject, and the stuff I've said is only a component of it; there are many other factors at work, too.



"If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a
height, what would happen?" --unknown

From: Marc Meunier
Subject: Re: Alpha Males, NiceGuys(TM), and Jerks
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 08:08:22 GMT
Message-ID: <>
Organization: University of Waterloo

> ------------ -------- -----------
> Alpha Males Secure Outgoing, friendly, intelligent, (socially) powerful,
> confident, and fun social-group leaders, "have
> their shit together"

Craig, this is some really important material you've brought to light here... One thing I've often noticed about shy people is that we seem to believe, "talking to that cute blonde over there = proposing marriage" and we forget about all the intermediate steps, and that fits in EXACTLY with your Anxious concept. If we attach so much importance to minor things, then of course we'll also worry intensely about those things!

> Anyway, this is the stuff that I have to say on the subject. But one more
> thing: human socializing and mating is a very complicated subject, and the
> stuff I've said is only a component of it; there are many other factors at
> work, too.
> Comments?

All in all, excellent stuff. You should save that in case a shyness FAQ ever gets off the ground :)

One thing - I tend to be wary about slapping labels on things, it's often very destructive. Once you give a name to something, that tends to solidify it in your thinking. People are already all worked up about being "shy", "introverted", "non-Alpha", and now they'll be upset about being "Anxious" and a "NiceGuy (TM)". I think it's important that we define this whole thing as a dynamic - that an Anxious type can, over time, become Secure through learning and experience.
From: (arandia)
Subject: Re: Alpha females
Date: 31 Oct 1996 02:49:36 GMT
Message-ID: <559440$>
Organization:, part of Outernet, Inc. in New York City

Rogerio Yick Kwong Fung ( wrote:

: Why is it that we only see posts about alpha males? I guess alpha females
: are also out there, but I hear so little about them? Or..does this have
: anything to do with the fact that we are more guys in here than gals? :)
: Obviously, it seems that shyness affects women less than men, since there
: are so few of them (but those who are in here are the best ;) ) in here.
: And if we also consider that women are more emotional(its a fact) I guess
: shy women get caught by all the non shy guys of the world. Am I right?

Well, the reason that there are no alpha females is because female modes of social contact are egalitarian instead of hierarchical like men prefer. In a society of "equals", there is no clear leader.

In male groups, it's very easy to spot the alpha male. He's the guy giving orders. Everybody follows him.

In female groups, the dynamic is one of suggestion and validation. While one person might propose an action, ideally one would want the group to reach a consensus before acting.

Good books to read on the subject are:

* "You Just Don't Understand!" by Deborah Tannen.
* "Brain Sex" by Anne Moir.

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"Diary" Sundays at 6:30pm on Time Warner Cable of Manhattan's Ch. 35.
email Yianni: URL:

From: (arandia)
Subject: Re: show of hands
Date: 31 Oct 1996 02:44:13 GMT
Message-ID: <5593pt$>
Organization:, part of Outernet, Inc. in New York City

Scott Ramnarine ( wrote:

: How many people out there are dependant on the opposite sex for
: validation? I am currently struggling with this. Any theories as to
: why this exists? Please reply to me personally as I do not have
: newsgroup access very often.

I used to think that I needed a girlfriend to validate me. That once somebody actually said to me how great my life is then my life would be great.

It wasn't until I decided that *I* make my life great that I attracted my girlfriend. And well, my life validates itself.

watch me on tv! Tell Yianni that you're my fan!
"Diary" Sundays at 6:30pm on Time Warner Cable of Manhattan's Ch. 35.
email Yianni: URL:

From: Daeron
Subject: Re: Alpha females
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 16:53:55 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Organization: Netcom

Rogerio Yick Kwong Fung wrote:

> Why is it that we only see posts about alpha males? I guess alpha females
> are also out there, but I hear so little about them? Or..does this have
> anything to do with the fact that we are more guys in here than gals?

There is no such thing as an "alpha" male or female. These are imaginary constructs invented by half-baked sociologists - who probably flunked physics in college! (Which is why they ended up peddling 'theories' about "alpha males" or whatever.)
From: (Eric Pepke)
Subject: Re: I like you shy people!
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 14:13:10 -0600
Organization: Florida State University, but I don't speak for them

> jlee ( wrote:
> : Hey, I don't even believe in alpha females, much less want to be one--
> : in my mind I'd have to be a she-wolf to do that. Ok, so maybe you're just
> : implying that I'm a bitch! (another joke! or perhaps just a bad pun;
> : at any rate not meant to be inflammatory, ok?)

Actually, I was quite serious. The major purpose of postings like the original here and the "Hi" and "Hello" postings is to divide into two groups: a "liked" group and a "disliked" group. This is pure dominance game-playing, and it's a classic splitting maneuver, commonly used by alpha wannabees to start a takeover.

It's one thing to say "I don't think you're right." It's quite another to say "What you are saying puts you in a special category, that of disliked or unaccepted people." The former is a disagreement; the latter is a dominance game.

Eric Pepke
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute
Florida State University

From: "Hugo Drax"
Subject: an intresting quote. (experiment)
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 12:32:10 -0500

I first noticed that American women are fucked up when I attended Purdue University in the mid-1980's. No man could open a door for a woman without her screaching "I can open the door myself!!!" at the top of her lungs. Purdue, being a internationally-renowned university draws students from across the country....and those ingrate women screaming at anyone who DARED to show them simple basic courtesy, were, likewise, a cross-section of American females from coast to coast.

I've dated close to a dozen American women....from ALL over the country, all but one was college educated. Not one of them was ever worth the effort of keeping the relationship going for more than a couple of months.

Then, about 5 years ago, I happened to start dating a girl I met down at the pool at my grandmother's apartment. Completely different. Not once did she "misunderstand" anything I said resulting in an argument. When I did something for her, she truly appreciated it. Unlike the previous girls, when she did something for me, there was NOT an underlying motive that I owed here something in return. With the previous girls...every favor done for me....was with the expectation that I would have to do something several orders of magnitude more significant. She has a bachelor's degree in economics, and a master's in business, and speaks FIVE languages.

And yet, she *_NEVER_* belittled me, or otherwise made snotty remarks.

Unfortunately, she was only here on a tourist visa, and had to return to St. Petersburg, Russia. After several months, I said to myself, "well, there's at least ONE girl who is capable of holding up her end of the relationship. I wonder if it was because of how her parents raised her, or what?"

So...I started doing research. Magazines, books, AND personal interviews via Internet Relay Chat [I interviewed both American women, and girls from Russia in various cities....and asked them the same sorts of questions]. To each interviewee, I introduced myself as someone doing a study on various cultures, and asked if I could ask them a few questions.

I used a sexually neutral name (Pat), so that responses would not be based on me being a man.

The feedback from these interviews was....absolutely startling.

I interviewed several dozen girls of each nationality, and, using the logging feature of mIRC, recorded each interview in it's own text file.

The American girls, were, to the very last one...of the opinion that a man's problems were HIS to solve, and that she would not exert any real effort to help him...but if she has a problem, he better damn well get her out of it, or she'll be the most pissed off fucking bitch on the planet. Basically, the attitude is one of -- If I marry a guy, that gives me free license to steal his money, resources and time, and, in return, I owe him nothing.

Apparently, the anonymity allowed these women to express views which would NEVER be openly talked about....especially with a man.

The Russian girls, in contrast, expressed opinions that indicate that they view relationships as a partnership. That marrying a man is commitment to a mutually suppportive partnership. Out of several dozen, there was only one that I would not characterize this way.

In some ways, I was truly shocked. On the other hand, I was EXTREMELY gladdened to discover that Maria was not a "needle in a haystack"....but instead, to realize that, per the analogy of looking for a woman, American culture produces hay, but Russian culture produces the MUCH more valuable MASS QUANTITIES!

In general, Russian women PRIDE themselves on being feminine, AND on how well they fulfill the female half of the division of labor within any halfway-organized family--AND they truly appreciate that men are able (and willing) to do many things which they just are NOT well suited for (either psychologically, sociologically, or physically). In other words...Russian women are aware of their limitations...and are quite thankful for men who help them when faced with a problem which brings such limitations into view.

At the same personal experience is....that the character of your typical Russian woman is MUCH more of a true "Can do" spirit than American women. When an American woman sees a problem, her first response is to call a man (husband to move the couch, police to get her out of her poorly-chosen relationship, etc.)....all the while claiming that she's "independant" and "doesn't need men" to get through life. In contrast...the many Russian women who I have met over the years, have never played "incapable woman-child" when faced with a problem well within their own ability to resolve. Nor do they go around badgering

FURTHER research leads me to believe that the qualities I discovered in Maria...and the Russian girls I interviewed...are not limited to just Russian culture...but are fairly common THROUGHOUT the slavic countries (Poland, Ukraine, etc.) least the Northern slavic countries...I don't yet have enough data from Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, and former Yugoslavia(*) to make any well-founded statement about women from those areas.

(*) In slavic languages, Yugo = south thus, lit "South-slav-land.

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

How to paint the MONA LISA with MS PAINT

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Friday, May 18, 2007

There's a school by the church of Malate...

Springs back a lot of memories ( dito ko lahat natutunan mga kalokohan hehe jowk)

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Saturday, May 5, 2007



-=| Character Stat Build FAQ |=-

version 1.4

Quick note:

Use the index guides to search for a particular character stat build.
Highlight the six-character index guide, press CTRL+C, then CTRL+F, CTRL+V,
finally Return/Enter.


-=| Contents |=-

I. Introduction
IA. Copyright
IB. About this FAQ
IC. Version History
II. Stats and Builds
IIA. The Knights { ~KN000 }
1. Basic { ~KN01B }
2. Vitality { ~KN02V }
3. Agility { ~KN03A }
4. PK-Type { ~KN04P }
5. Sweller { ~KN05S }
IIB. The Wizards { ~WI000 }
1. Energy { ~WI01E }
2. Hybrid { ~WI02H }
IIC. The Elves { ~EL000 }
1. Hybrid { ~EL01H }
2. Energy { ~EL02E }
3. Battle { ~EL03B }
3. Agility [Battle] { ~EL04A }
IID. The Magic Gladiators { ~MG000 }
1. Ideal { ~MG01B }
2. Spellcasting { ~MG02S }
3. Warrior { ~MG03W }
4. PK Magic Gladiator { ~MG04P }
IIE. The Dark Lords { ~DL000 }
1. PK-Type { ~DL01P }
2. Command Type { ~DL02C }
3. Vitality Type { ~DL03V }
III. Contact Details
IV. Credits


-=| Introduction |=-

IA. Copyright |=-

This guide is written by and copyright 2006 Christopher Arvin Vinluan,
a.k.a. vinceres_lunei for the exclusive use of the website GameFAQS
( may be not be reproduced under any circumstances
except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of
this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

IB. About this FAQ |=-

Hi everyone and welcome to my MU Stat Buildup FAQ. This is my second FAQ
to be submitted on GameFAQS (the first being the Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer
Move List FAQ).

IC. Version History |=-

1.0 - Uploaded the Stat Build FAQ (the DL stat builds coming soon).

1.3 - Added a few notes here and there, corrected a li'l slip-up, and I've
finally finished testing the DL stat builds (thanks v_hunter! n_n)

1.4 - Patched up the tiny blank I accidentally left (thanks again v_hunter!)
and added ASCII art.


-=| Stats and Builds |=-

Stats affect every aspect of your character in MU. Whether you are in Bahr,
Titan (the merged Maya & Wigle servers) or Test (where I have my account), the
stats you distribute play a very big role on how you play.

As there are different characters in MU, there are also different ways of
playing them. There are curerntly five playable characters in MU: the Dark
Knight [DK] (which evolves into the Blade Knight [BK]), Dark Wizard [DW] (Soul
Master [SM]), Fairy Elf [FE] (Muse Elf [ME]), Magic Gladiator [MG] and Dark
Lord [DL]. You get the MG by getting one character to level 220, and the DL by
level 250.


MU Philippines has now phased out its Test Server and replaced it with the
Muren (Kara2) Server. The Muren patch now has the Land of Trial, Aida and the
Crywolf Fortress open to the public.


IIA. The Knights |=-

The Dark Knight is one of the most favorite characters in MU Philippines.
He has high power, deadly skills, tons of armor, and a wide array of weapons
to choose from. After completing the Scroll of Emperor and Broken Sword quests,
you can become a Blade Knight.

One reason that the knight is so favored is due to his lethal Combo, a
string of attacks that is unique only to the Blade Knight. The Combo quest is
exclusive to Blade Knights Lv250 and above.

Three attacks make up the Combo, one from the weapon itself and the other
two from your skill arsenal: Twisting Slash, Rageful Blow, and Death Stab. The
first can be acquired while still a DK, the other two require BK status. Most
Blade Knights favor weapons with the Cyclone Cutting skill.

{ ~KN000 }

IIA1. Basic Knight

Str: 700~800
Agi: 700~800
Vit: 300
Ene: 200

Recommended Weapons:
Basically anything

Recommended Armor Set:
Anything up to a +7~+9 Black Dragon Set

The Basic Knight build is, well, ideal for beginner knight players because
of its balanced stat distribution. First-time Knights don't need mana that
badly, and the 700-800 agi points translate into decent evasion and attack

{ ~KN01B }

IIA2. Vitality Knight

Str: 500
Agi: 600
Vit: 800~1000
Ene: 150~200

Recommended Weapons:
Basically anything

Recommended Armor Set:
+7 Dragon Set
+9~+13 Garuda Brass Set

It should be pretty obvious that this build emphasizes more on your HP,
thus making you a *bit* exasperating target for PK'ers and monsters alike.
What more if you're the type who likes to use Greater Fortitude every now and

{ ~KN02V }

IIA3. Agility Knight

Str: 500
Agi: 1600
Vit: 300
Ene: 100

Recommended Weapons: **LIMITED FROM +7 UP TO +9**
Swords (Sword Of Destruction, Knight Blade, Dark Breaker, etc.)
Spears (Dragon Spear)

Recommended Armor Set:
+7 Dragon Set or +7 Black Dragon Set

Agility points in MU reflect your attack speed and evasion, sometimes your
damage (as is the case for Elves). A high-agi knight is necessary for quick
assaults, ambushes, and staying long in duels.

The weapon level limit restriction is due to the possibility that they may
not be able to meet the required stats.

{ ~KN03A }

IIA3. PK-Type Knight

Str: 1000
Agi: 260
Vit: 800
Ene: 120

Recommended Weapons:
Swords (Sword Of Destruction, Knight Blade, Dark Breaker, etc.)
Spears (Dragon Spear)

Recommended Armor Set:
+13 Dark Phoenix Set or +7 or higher Great Dragon Set
+13 Hyon Dragon or Kantata Plate Set

As you can see, the PK Knight has high str, decent agi, and a big chunk of
hit points. This buid is ideal for your sub (second) characters, because by the
time you've leveled your first character up you would've set aside an armor set
along with the weapons. Not to mention this knight would be very in demand when
it comes to duels, guild wars or castle defense/siege.

{ ~KN04P }

IIA3. Sweller Type Knight

Str: 500
Agi: 500
Vit: 800+
Ene: 1000~1500

Recommended Weapons: **LIMITED TO +7**
Blunt weapons (Morning Star, Flail, Crystal Morning Star, etc.)
Swords (Sword Of Destruction, Knight Blade, Dark Breaker, etc.)

Recommended Armor Set:
+7 ~ +13 Bronze Set or +7 Dragon Set
+9 ~ +13 Hyperion Bronze Set

The high ene stat translates to 300+% skill damage, meaning if you have
this knight cast Greater Fortitude while solo or in a party, the hp increase
would be big. As in BIG, with almost a 1.5x increase! One downside is that he
can't be in the thick of the fight at the frontlines, but he can be a big help
along the middle columns, providing cover for the wizards and elves. Hey, a 300
percent skill damage increase is still a 300 percent skill damage increase!

{ ~KN05S }

IIB. The Wizards |=-

These are the magicians of MU. Although they have low physical power, they
make up for it by their astounding magical prowess. Wizards (and their second-
level counterparts Soul Masters) make a big contribution to their guilds with
powerful magic spells such as Nova, Aqua Beam, and Teleport Ally.

{ ~WI000 }

IIB1. Energy Wizard

Str: (Meet the requirements of your equipment)
Agi: (Meet the requirements of your equipment)
Vit: 600~800
Ene: 1200~1500

Recommended Weapons:
Staffs (Staff of Destruction, Legendary Staff, etc.)

Recommended Armor Set:
+7 ~ +13 Legendary Set, Grand Soul or Dark Soul Set
+9 ~ +13 Anubis Legendary Set

As far as I know, this is the most widely used build in MU Philippines for
Wizards. Energy dictates the amount of damage you inflict on opponents (esp.
the special or magical attacks), so having a high energy stat will mean a high
amount of damage inflicted. The downside, of course, would be your VERY LOW
DEFENSE - one hit from close range, or one stray Ice Arrow will almost surely
kill you. Unless, of course, you cast Nova first... (-.-)

{ ~WI01E }

IIB2. Hybrid Wizard

Str: (Meet the requirements of your equipment)
Agi: 800+
Vit: (Any value will do)
Ene: 800+

Recommended Weapons:
Staffs (is there any other weapon??)

Recommended Armor Set:
+7 ~ +13 Legendary, Grand Soul or Dark Soul Set

For those who wish to strike a balance between a fast-casting wizard and
at the same time keep decent damage. Don't expect your wizard to make a one -
hit kill, though...

{ ~WI02H }

IIC. The Elves |=-

Ah, the Elves. They're the only females in MU (aside from Queen Rainiers in
Icarus and Ice Queens in Devias ^^), can use (cross)bows and maces, and some of
the Knight's weaponry. Elves excel primarily in ranged combat and support, thus
making them an invaluable part of any guild.

{ ~EL000 }

IIC1. Hybrid Elf

Str: (Meet the requirements of your equipment)
Agi: 1200
Vit: 50
Ene: 750

Recommended Weapons:
Crossbows (Great Reign Crossbow/Saint Crossbow)
Bows (Arrow Viper Bow/Celestial Bow)

Recommended Armor Set:
+7 ~ +13 Divine Set or +7 ~ +13 Red Spirit Set

The Hybrid Elf is more or less the most common elf build on MU, as she can
heal and buff comrades, as well as actively participate in combat with her
summons and her deadly Ice Arrow skill. On the other hand, her only drawback
is her VERY LOW HP. Once a Knight gets too close to her, it's an almost
assured kill.

{ ~EL01H }

IIC2. Energy Elf

Str: (Meet the requirements of your equipment)
Agi: (Meet the requirements of your equipment)
Vit: (Any value will do)
Ene: 1500+

Recommended Weapons:
Elemental Weapon Set (Scepter + Mace)
Any shield + Kris

Recommended Armor Set:
+7 ~ +13 Vine, Silk or Wind Set (anything higher needs more Str)
+7 ~ +13 Excellent Vine or Slik Set

This is a difficult build, but in the end it pays for itself. Having a low
attack power can be daunting, but when you're in a party your buffing and/or
healing is considerably better.


I've confirmed that using a Kris would enable your Elf to cast spells
faster than using the Elemental Mace, but the Elemental Shield would be your
best bet for additional defense.

{ ~EL02E }

IIC3. Battle Elf

Str: 750+
Agi: 750
Vit: 150~250
Ene: 300+

Recommended Weapons:
Anything but bows/crossbows

Recommended Armor Set:
+7~+13 Divine Set

Why did I say anything but bows? Much as I hate to admit it, Battle elves
deal so-so damage on bows. They're better off using other weapons. Her edge
over other elves is her higher HP, and slightly faster attacking.

{ ~EL03B }

IIC3. Agility [Battle] Elf

Str: (Meet the requirements of your equipment)
Agi: 1200-1500
Vit: 450+
Ene: (Any value will do)

Recommended Weapons:
Bows (Arrow Viper Bow/Celestial Bow/Sylphy Wind Bow)
Crossbows (Great Reign Crossbow/Saint Crosssbow)

Recommended Armor Set:
+7 ~ +13 Red Spirit or Sylphy Wind Set
+7 ~ +13 Excellent Divine, Odin Wind or Argo Spirit Set

Quick attack speed, kicka$$ damage, and excellent long-range combat skills
make this Elf another must-have in any guild. The Red Spirit set goes well with
the Arrow Viper Bow, too.

{ ~EL04A }

IID. The Magic Gladiators |=-

Magic Gladiators are a crossbreed between Dark Knights and Wizards. He can
use the Wizard's magical arsenal, and also utilize the Knight's weaponry. But
in spite of his apparent advantages, the MG cannot use all the skills of either
character. To make up for this deficit, he is granted seven stat points per

{ ~MG000 }

IID1. Basic Magic Gladiator

Str: 450
Agi: 700
Vit: 200
Ene: 700

Recommended Weapons:
1-hand/2-hand swords
1-hand staffs

Recommended Armor Set:
+7 ~ +9 Storm Crow Set

Being crossbred, an MG has a mix of weaknesses. For example, since he has
the Wizard's affinity for magic, he needs to have an adequate mana supply,
and at the same time his Knight's nature requires him to have a minimum amount
of strength to be able to use his (DK's) equipment. See the point?

{ ~MG01B }

IID2. Spellcasting Magic Gladiator

Str: (Meet the requirements of your equipment)
Agi: (Meet the requirements of your equipment)
Vit: (Any value will do)
Ene: 800~1200

Recommended Weapons:

Recommended Armor Set:
+7 Legendary Set or +7 Storm Crow, Thunder Hawk or Hurricane Set

Similar to the Energy Wizard build, this MG has a lot of mana waiting to be
expended and once you start, it's hard to stop this MG from killing monster
mobs in a jiffy. Better to put up a store and say, "Spot Taken!"

{ ~MG02S }

IID3. Warrior Magic Gladiator

Str: 700~775
Agi: 650~825
Vit: 250
Ene: 300

Recommended Weapons: **LIMITED FROM +7 UP TO +9**
Blades/Swords (1h/2h)
Axes (1h/2h)

Recommended Armor Set:
Almost anything +7 ~ +9, even +13

If you'll notice, this build is taken from the Basic Knight. As opposed to
the build mentioned above, this one focuses on the MG's Knight nature.

{ ~MG03W }

IID4. PK Magic Gladiator

Str: 1000
Agi: 600
Vit: 743
Ene: 450

Recommended Weapons:
+9 ~ +13 Blades (Rune, Dark Reign, Thunder)

Recommended Armor Set:
+9 ~ +13 Storm Crow, Hurricane or Thunder Hawk Set
+9 ~ +13 Gaion Storm Crow Set
+9 ~ +13 Garuda Brass Set [there's no helm required, Hyon Set has]

Looking closely, you'll notice that most, if not all, PK builds are based
on the PK Type Knight. Again it is on the PK Magic Gladiator. You still have
to consider your Wizardry damage, therefore the 450 Energy. Oh, that also
reflects your skill damage (Knight affinity).

{ ~MG04P }

IIE. The Dark Lords|=-

The newest character to enter MU, the Dark Lord has FIVE stat parameters
instead of the usual four (Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Energy). The fifth
stat is COMMAND, which dictates how many members a DL may hold in a guild at
any given time, and also how well he controls his "pets" (the Dark Horse and
the Dark Raven).

{ ~DL000 }

IIE1. PK Type Dark Lord

Str: 1000
Agi: 550
Vit: 1000
Ene: 143
Com: 100

Recommended Weapons:
+13 Excellent Lord Scepter

Recommended Armor Set:
Anything up to a +13 Excellent Dark Master Set

The PK Type Dark Lord is basically a reflection of the PK-Type Knight. You
have to sacrifice the (effectively useful) Dark Raven to have greater attack
and more hit points, thankfully the Dark Horse doesn't have any other stat
requirement aside from levels (a Lv50 Dark Horse requires a DL to be Lv318).
Aside from the obvious benefits of the Raven, you also sacrifice the equally
powerful Dark Lord attack spell Electric Spark. The only spells you can use
would be Fireburst and the starting DL skill Force Wave.

{ ~DL01P }

IIE2. Charisma Type Dark Lord

Str: 500
Agi: 250
Vit: 700
Ene: 408
Com: 935

Recommended Weapons:
Anything up to a +9 Great Scepter

Recommended Armor Set:
+9 ~ +13 Dark Steel Set
+7 ~ +13 Warrior Leather Set

If the PK Type Dark Lord has only the Dark Horse, the Command type (also
known as the Charisma type) Dark Lord has both the Dark Raven and Dark Horse,
and he also has the other spells Summon, Critical Damage, and Electric Spark
in his arsenal. Although he has significantly lower hit points than the PK DL,
he makes up for it with his Raven (which has a two full screens-wide area of
reach diameter). And need I say that the Electric Spark would be enough to
stop your would-be attackers?

{ ~DL02C }

IIE3. Vitality Dark Lord

Str: 500
Agi: 250
Vit: 1200
Ene: 400
Com: 443

Recommended Weapons:
+9 ~ +13 Warrior Morning Star
+7 ~ +13 Excellent Kris + any blunt weapon [up to +9]

Recommended Armor Set:
+9 ~ +13 Warrior Leather Set

This is basically a reflection of another Knight build: the Vit Knight.
Although the Vitality Dark Lord has no Raven (a major sacrifice for most DLs),
or a low-level Raven (maybe a maximum of lvl10), he is vital to castle defense,
beside an Energy-type Knight for backup and one Full-Support [Energy] Elf and
an Agility Battle Elf for cover. He has probably the largest HP among all
character types and builds. But, like the Energy Elf, the low attack power can
be a real downright pain in the butt.

{ ~DL03V }

III. Contact Details |=-

That's it for my guide. Feel free to email me at:

or at my new e-mail add:

for any questions, comments, and other what-have-you. I'll try to reply via
email, but if you want your question posted (under the veil of anonymity, of
course), just let me know. That's it for now.


IV. Credits |=-

Thanks a lot to the following:

GameFAQS for the great site. Without you guys, I don't know where I'll be now;

WebZen for making this kickass game;

Mobius(c) for releasing this kickass game to the public;

v_hunter for helping test the Dark Lord builds;

My Hybrid [Guild Master] Elf, sasha06 (now deceased - May Kundun rot in Hell),
and my Blade Knight, [Rylan], for volunteering as stat build models;

My younger brother, Christian Albert, and his Blade Knights (tangax2 and bk2k6)
and his Soul Master for volunteering as well;

and to YOU, the reader, because if it wasn't for you I won't be making this FAQ

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