Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mount SVM array from a live CD

On Solaris 9 or 10

# You need to mount one of the disks read only to get a copy of the original config

root@server:# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c?t?d?s? /a
root@server:# cp -p /a/kernel/drv/md.conf /kernel/drv/md.conf
root@server:# umount /a

P# Now load SVM:

# First remove existing module
root@server:# modinfo | grep md
154 7bb93000 2a140 85 1 md (Solaris Volume Manager base mod)
root@server:# modunload -i 154

# Now load the md module
#### For Solaris 9
root@server:# modload /kernel/drv/md

#### For Solaris 10
root@server:# modload /kernel/drv/md OR update_drv -f md

# and scan the disks
root@server:# metainit -r

# Make sure it all looks fine
root@server:# metastat -p

# If you change anything in md.conf then you MUST copy it back to the disks

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