Friday, January 9, 2009

HR Guide

Courtesy of skies of croda:

HR 1 - HR 2

-Giadrome Assault (ドスギアノス急襲)
Hunt the Giadrome

-The Land Shark (大地を泳ぐモンスター)
Hunt the Cephadrome

-The Lurking Desert Giant (砂に潜む巨大蟹!)
Hunt the Daimyo Hermitaur

-The Mischief-maker (いたずら好きの桃毛獣)
Hunt the Congalala


-The Ruler of the Snow (激突!雪獅子ドドブランゴ)
Hunt the Blangonga

HR 2 - HR 3

-The Shadow in the Cave (雪山に降り立つ赤い影)
Hunt the Khezu

-Master of the Giant Lake (巨大湖の主)
Hunt the Plesioth

-Evening Hermitaur Sonata (盾蟹たちの夜会)
Hunt 20 Hermitaurs

-Pincer through the sky (空を切り裂く鎌)
Hunt the Shogun Ceanataur

-Trouble in the Forest (森の中の異変)
Hunt 20 Bullfangos

-The Ioprey Leader (イーオスたちの親玉)
Hunt the Iodrome


-Absolute Power (絶対強者)
Hunt the Tigrex

HR 3 - HR 4

-The Tigrex's Roar (轟竜ティガレックス)
Hunt the Tigrex

-The Runaway Diablos (死闘!角竜ディアブロス)
Hunt the Diablos

-Valor in the Swamp Zone (湿地帯の激闘)
Hunt the Gravios

-The King's Domain (王の領域)
Hunt the Rathalos

-The Queen's Descent (女王、降臨す)
Hunt the Rathian


-The Approaching Gaoren (迫り来る仙高人)
Defend the Fortress from Shen Gaoren

HR 4 - HR 5

-The Poison Fanged Duo (2対の麻痺牙)
Hunt 2 Gendrome

-Ultimate Crab Dinner (究極の蟹料理…)
Hunt 2 Daimyo Hermitaurs

-Trapped by Yian Kut-Ku (挟撃のイャンクック!)
Hunt the Yian Kut-Ku
Hunt the Blue Yian Kut-Ku

-Conga Counterattack (牙獣たちの逆襲!)
Hunt the Congalala


-Lao-Shan Lung Draws Near! (接近!ラオシャンロン)
Defend the Fortress from the Lao-Shan Lung

HR 5 - HR 6

-Two Roars in the Snow (雪獅子、二重の咆哮)
Hunt 2 Blangongas

Red Shadow on the Swamp (沼地に降り立つ赤い影)
Hunt the Red Khezu

-The Underwater Terror (水面下の恐怖)
Hunt the Green Plesioth

-Slay The Rathalos (リオレウス討伐指令)
Hunt the Rathalos

-Basarios: Unseen Peril (見えざる飛竜、バサルモス!)
Hunt the Basarios


-Land of Tremors (異常震域)
Hunt 2 Tigrex

HR 6 - HR 7

-The Fierce Black Horn (黒き角竜の猛攻)
Hunt the Black Diablos

-Black Rock in the Swamp (湿地帯の黒き鎧)
Hunt the Black Gravios

-Blue Sky, Pink Earth (空は蒼、大地は桜)
Hunt the Azure Rathalos
Hunt the Pink Rathian

-Deny the Silver Rathalos (禁断の地の銀竜)
Hunt the Silver Rathalos

-Find the Golden Phantom (幻の金竜を探して)
Hunt the Gold Rathian

-The Approaching Gaoren (迫り来る仙高人)
Defend the Town from the Shen Gaoren


-Rise to the Summit (起源にして、頂点)
Slay the Akantor

-Dual Hypnoc! (ヒプノック二連撃!)
Hunt 2 Hynoc

HR 7 - HR 8

-Record of the Warring Daimyo (戦国大名風雲録)
Hunt the Purple Daimyo Hermitaur

-Walking Thunder (旧密林に走る稲妻)
Hunt the Khezu

-Eyes from the Deep (地底湖から覗く目)
Hunt the Plesioth

-Dignity of the Beast (牙獣の品格)
Hunt the Green Congalala

-The Choking Fog (霧にむせぶ旧沼地)
Hunt 2 Purple Gypceros


-To kill A Shadow (絶影)
Hunt the Naruga Kuruga

HR 8 - HR 9

-Appearance of the Lava Wyvern (溶岩竜ヴォルガノス出現!)
Hunt the Volganos

-Great Decisive Battle (天下分け目の大合戦)
Hunt the Shogun Ceanataur
Hunt the Red Shogun Ceanataur

-The Smoking King (噴煙まとう王者)
Hunt the Rathalos

-The Eternal Queen (久遠の女王)
Hunt the Rathian

-Wild Beast of the Desert (砂漠地帯の暴れん坊)
Hunt the Brown Blangonga


-Floating Diaster (浮岳龍)
Slay the Yamatsukami

**To Unlock Ucamulbas (絶対零度)**

-Absolute Power (絶対強者)
Hunt the Tigrex

-Black Phalanx (黒のファランクス)
Hunt 2 Black Diablos

-Terror of the Gravios (鎧の覇者グラビモス)
Hunt the Gravios

-Eye of the Horizon (秘境を目指して)
Hunt the Silver Rathalos

-A Glint of Moonlight (一縷の月光)
Hunt the Gold Rathian


-The Approaching Gaoren (迫り来る仙高人)
Defend the Town from Shen Gaoren.

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