DT Cards lvl 35 - lvl 70
Skeleton Mine lvl 35 + : Baba Yaga
Mummy Grave lvl 45+ : Bitter Leaf
Lighthouse Maze 55+ : Bugdolphy
Ghost Ship 55+, Ghost ship (party) 55+, Chimera (party) 65+, Troglo Lair (party) 65+, Zombie Infested Cottage (party) 65+: Phantom Crew
Mummy Grave (party) 70+, Skeleton Mine (party) 70+, Parasite House (party) 70+, The Ruins Of The Ancien City 70+ : Auto Cannon-op
Map parts : Lake In Dusk lvl 75
Fort_Ruina : All the mobs of the land
Undead Ground : All the mobs of the land
Muster Card : Ruina Station lvl 85
Fort_Ruina : Mechazard, Auto Cannon-Ex, Excavator-alfa.
Undead Ground : All the mobs of the land
Epaullete of the Dead (B1F) lvl 95
Undead Ground : All the mobs of the land
Epaulette of Dead (B2F) lvl 105
Undead Ground : Vampire Servant +, Spector, Wraith
B1F : All the mobs of the dungeon drop B2F EoD’s
Seal Of Darkness lvl 105
Fort_Ruina : Hounds-S01
Lakeside : Bloody Orc, Dark Gnoll
Forgotten Ruin : All the mobs of the land
Mutant Forest : Any mob in Mutant Forest
Muster Card : Forgotten Temple B1F
Lakeside : Any mob in Lakeside
Forgotten Ruin : Fire Beetle, Cockatrice, Hexacyther, Blade Peryton
Mutant Forest : Any mob in Mutant Forest
Pontus Ferrum : Penna
Epaulettes +3
Bloody Ice : Ape Zombie, Shade, Ghosts
Desert Scream : Lug Queen
Green_Despair : Moscutter, Mosscyther, Wriggle Leaf, Moscutter Queen
Port_Lux : Phantom Crew, Peryton, Crag Toad, Flame Hound, Stone Golem, Stone Gargoyles, Dark Bladers
Fort_Ruina : Mechazard
Epaulette of Guardian +4
Port_Lux : Ghoul, Dark Bladers
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Buffalo, AutoCannons-OP
DT Parasite House : Plant Pantherhorn
Epaulette of Sage +4
Fort_Ruina : Electric Bird, Auto Cannon-Ex
Desert Scream : Lug Queen
Epaulette of Fighter +4
Port_Lux : Stone Golem, Dark Blader
Fort_Ruina : Mechamender
DT Lighthouse Maze : Bugshark
Epaulette of Guardian +5
Fort_Ruina : Electric Bird
DT Parasite House : Wriggle Leaf + (boss)
Undead Ground: Lihorn Zombie, Ghost Blader
Exilian Volcano (Patren Patren) : Any mob in Patren, Patren
Forgotten Ruin : Fire Beetle
Epaullete of Fighter +5
Exilian Volcano (Patren Patren) : Any mob in Patren, Patren
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie, Zombie Fighter
Forgotten Ruin : Two-Headed Hound, Lihorna
Epaullete of Sage +5
Undead Ground : Zombie Fighter, Zombie Slater, Spector
Exilian Volcano (Patren Patren) : Any mob in Patren, Patren dungeon
Epaulette of Fighter +6
Undead Ground : Wraith, Spector
Forgotten Ruin : Stone Beetle, Fire Beetle, Giant Scorpion, Lihorna, Two-Headed Hound
B1F : Ice Zombie Lady, Frozen Slaughter Zombie, Flesh Golems
Ruina Station : Any mob of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : Any mob/chest of the dungeon
Epaulette of Guardian +6
Undead Ground: Death Giant, Spector
Forgotten Ruin : Stone Beetle, Cockatrice
Ruina Station : Any mob of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : Any mob/chest of the dungeon
B1F : Frozen Slaugher Zombie
Epaulette of Sage +6
Undead Ground : Spector, Death Giants
Forgotten Ruin : Sand Lihorn, Stone Beetle, Fire Beetle, Giant Scorpion
Ruina Station : Any mob of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : Any mob/chest of the dungeon
Epaullete of Sage/Fighter/Guardian +7
Lakeside : Berderk Faello
B1F : Any mob inside B1F dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : Last chest, First boss (archer) - EoG+7
Forgotten Ruin : Second Bird Boss
Newbie Stuff +0,+0 slot,+1,+2,+3
Nipper lug, Garlie, Mantis, Rabbithorn, Giant beetle , Troglo.
Reinforced, Iron (weapon), Red stuff +0,+0 slot,+1,+2,+3
Bloody_Ice : Scorp Lug, Scorp Lug +, Lynhorn, Zombie Maid, Zombie, Lynhorn Zombie, Lynxhorn Zombie Leader.
Desert_Scream : Red Gally, Gally Captain, Desert Fox, Desert Hound, Giant Snake.
Green_Despair : Troglo Fighter, Troglo Warrior, Dire Boar, Plant Toad, Bugzard
Iron (armor), Damascus, Coraleye stuff +0,+0 slot,+1,+2,+3
Bloody_Ice : Skeleton, Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Mage.
Desert_Scream : Black Snake, Huge Beetle, Armaku, Armaku +, Bugmender, Mummy, Mummy Blader, Mummy Warrior.
Green_Despair : Highzard, Pantherhorn, Plant Pantherhorn, Giant Spider, Huge Spider
Shadowsteel (armor), Aramid, Shadowsteel (weapon), Citrine stuff +0,+0 slot,+1,+2,+3
Bloody_Ice : Baba Yaga, Hound Zombie, Pantherhorn Zombie, Ape, Ape +, Ape Zombie.
Desert_Scream : Archionis, Archipteryx, Archipteryx +, Clay Gargoyle.
Green_Despair : Moscutter; Moscutter +, Bitter Leaf, Mosscyther.
Bluestin (armor), Bluestin (swords and magic) +0,+0 slot,+1,+2,+3
Bloody_Ice : Ghost, Ghost +, Shade.
Desert_Scream : Antra Lug, Lug Queen.
Green_Despair : Mosscyther, Wriggle Leaf, Moscutter Queen.
Port_Lux : Crag Turtle, Crag Crab, Crag Toad, Peryton, Bugshark, Bugdolphy, Stone Gargoyle.
Titanium (armor), Titanium (weapon), Pherystin +0,+0 slot, +1,+2,+3
Port_Lux : Peryton +, Bugshark +, Bugdolphy, Stone Gargoyle, Ghoul, Phantom Worker, Phantom Crew, Flame Hound, Dark Soldier, Stone Golem, Dark Blader.
Fort_Ruina : Auto Cannon-op, Auto Cannon-op +, Hound S-O1, Hound sp, Mecha Ape, Mecha Ape +, Mecha ape archer, Mecha ape archer +.
Titanium (armor), Titanium (weapon), Pherystin +0,+0 slot, +1,+1 slot,+2,+2 slot,+3,+3 slot
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Ape, Mehca Ape +, Mecha Ape Archer, Mecha Ape Archer +, Mechamender, Mechamender +, Mecha Buffalo, Mecha Buffalo +, Electric Bird, Electric Bird +, Mechazard, Mechazard +, Auto Cannon-Ex, Auto Cannon-EX +, Excavator-alfa.
Undead Ground : All the mobs of the land
Osmium (Armor) +0,+0 slot, +1, +2, +3
Fort_Ruina : Mechazard +, Auto Cannon-Ex, Auto Cannon-Ex +, Excavator-alfa.
Undead Ground : All the mobs of the land
Forgotten Ruin : All the mobs of the land
Shadowtitanium +0,+0 slot, +1, +2, +3
Undead Ground : Vampire Servant, Vampire Servant +, Vampire Steward.
Forgotten Ruin : All the mobs of the land
Lake in Dusk : All the mobs of the land
Aqua +0,+0 slot, +1,+2,+3
Undead Ground : Spectors, Wraiths
Forgotten Ruin: All the mobs of the land
Osmium (weapon) +0, +0 slot, Lapis +0, +0 slot
Ruina Station : Invader Mecha Buffalo, Invader Mecha Buffalo +, Invader Mechazard, Invader Mechazard +, Invader Auto Cannon-Ex, Invader Auto Cannon-Ex +
B1F : All the mobs of the dungeon
Seal of Darkness : All the mobs of the dungeon . Chests included.
Redosmium +0, +1, +2, +3, +0 slot, Topaz +0, +1, +2, +3, +0 slot
Lakeside : All the mobs of the land
B2F : All the mobs of the dungeon
Forgotten Temple B1F : All the mobs of the dungeon.
Mutant Forest : All mobs of the land.
Volcanic Citadel : Topaz 2 Slots in Last chest of VC
Mithril Armors, Mithril Weapons
Mutant Forest : Lobatums (Crystal - nonslotted)
Shining Tooth
Port_Lux : Bugshark, Ghoul, Flame Hound.
Fort_Ruina : Hound S-O1.
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie, Berserk Ghoul.
Forgotten Ruin : Two-Headed Hound, Lihorna.
Blue Feather
Port_Lux : Peryton.
Fort_Ruina : Electric Bird.
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie.
Forgotten Ruin : Griffin, Cockatrice, Blade Peryton.
Strange Stem
Port_Lux : Bugshark.
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Ape, Mecha Ape Archer.
Undead Ground : Spector, Wraith.
Forgotten Ruin : Two-Headed Hound, Lihorna.
Hard Shell
Port_Lux : Crag Turtle, Crag Crab, Dark Soldier, Stone Golem.
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Buffalo, Mechazard.
Undead Ground : Deathe Soldier, Death Giant.
Forgotten Ruin : Stone Beetle, Fire Beetle, Giant Scorpion.
Mirror Stone
Port_Lux : Stone Gargoyle, Stone Golem.
Fort_Ruina : Auto Cannon-op, Auto Cannon-Ex.
Undead Ground : Death Soldier, Death Giant, Spector, Wraith.
Forgotten Ruin : Stone Beetle, Fire Beetle.
Yellow Jewel
Port_Lux : Stone Gargoyle, Dark Blader.
Fort_Ruina : Auto Cannon-op.
Undead Ground : Ghost Blader.
Sticky Red Liquid Port_Lux : Bugshark, Ghoul.
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Buffalo.
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zoimbie, Zombie Fighter, Zombie Slater, Zombie Knight.
Unknown Circuit
Port_Lux : Stone Golem.
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie, Ghost Blader, Death Giant.
Common Metal Fragment
Ruina Station : Invader Auto Cannon-op, Invader Auto Cannon-op +.
Shining Yellow Powder
Lake in Dusk : Minotaurus
Undead Ground : Spector
Illusion Coral
Lake in Dusk : Orc.
Astral Skull
B1F : Ice Ghoul Warrior, Ice Ghoul.
Machinery Head
Ruina Station : Invader Auto Cannon-Ex +
Unknown Machine Part
Ruina Station : Invader Mecha Buffalos
Familiar Mineral
Lakeside : Bloody Ogres
Rare Items
Vampiric Earring +0
Lakeside : Bloody Orcs
Volcanic Citadel : Dark Phallanx
Vampiric Earring +1
Lakeside : Bloody Orcs
Vampiric Earing +2
Lakeside : Bloody Orc Mage
Mutant Forest : Mossites, Viant
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any chest of the dungeon
Vampiric Earing +3 / +4
Lakeside : Dark Troll (+3), Berderk Faello (+3 and +4)
Forgotten Temple B1F : Random mobs (+4), Key Quest Chest
Volcanic Citadel : Force Archer Boss
Life Absorb Bracelet +0
Forgotten Ruin : Fire Beetle
Bracelet of Fighter +1Lakeside : Bloody Orc Mage
Bracelet of Brute +2
Lakeside : Bloody Orc
Volcanic Citadel : Flame Hounds (Bracelet of Brute +2 with Sword amp 3%)
Bracelet of Sage +2 / of Fighter +2
Lakeside : Bloody Harpy Warrior
Forgotten Temple B1F : Key Quest Chest
Bracelet of Sage +3 / of Fighter +3
Lakeside : Berderk Faello (both), Bloody Orcs (BoF3), Bloody Orc Mage(BoF3)
Forgotten Temple B1F : All mobs/chests of the dungeon
B2F : Any mob inside the dungeon
Bracelet of Sage +4 / of Fighter +4
Forgotten Temple B1F : Key Quest Chest, Random mob (could be any mob i think)
Volcanic Citadel : Any mob of the land (random drop)
Lakeside : Berderk Faello
Bracelet of Fighter/Sage +2 - Slotted
Pontus Ferrum : Any mob of the land
Mutant Forest : Branny
Bracelet of Serenity +1
Lakeside : Bloody Orc Mage
Evasion Earing +0
Forgotten Ruin : Giant Scorpion
Evasion Earing +1
Lakeside : Bloody Orc mage
Mana Absorb Bracelet +1
Lakeside : Bloody Orc, Bloody Orc Mage
Extortion Bracelet +4
Volcanic Citadel : Paaks chest (last phalanx boss)
Vital Earring +1
Forgotten Ruin : Blade Peryton
Vital Earing +2
Lakeside : Bloody Orc, Dark Gnoll Mage, Dark Gnolls
Earing of Guard +2
Mutant Forest :Mossites
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any chest of the dungeon
Lakeside : Bloody Orc
Earing of Guard +3 / +4
Lakeside : Bloody Orc, Berderk Faello
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any mob/chest of the dungeon (both earrings)
B2F : Any mob of the dungeon
Astral Core : Blue Mitrhil
Pontus Ferrum : Penna, Pluma, Quadra, Gravis
Forgotten Temple B1F : First Chest in B1F and the Key Quest chests
Shapes/Discs LVL4
Mutant Forest : Ectoleafs, Branny
Lakeside : All the mobs of the land
Astral Skull
B1F : Any mob of the dungeon
B2F : Any mob of the dungeon
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any mob/chest of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : Any mob of the dungeon
Force Core Highest / Upgrade Core Highest Chaos Arena
Pontus Ferrum : PF Bosses
Mutant Forest : Branny, Ectoleafs
Forgotten Temple B1F : All chests in FT : B1F
Amulet of Guard +6
Fort Ruina : Mechzards+
Amulet of Guard +7 - Requirement for Circuits Level 6
Undead Ground : Wraiths, Spectors, Death Soldiers
Forgotten Ruin : Giant Scorpions, Hexacyther, Cockatrice
B1F : Any mob of the dungeon
Ruina Station : Any mob of the dungeon
Forgotten Temple B1F : All mobs in the dungeon
Ring of Luck +2
Forgotten Ruin : All the mobs of the land
Mutant Forest : Ectoflower
Astral Boards
Fort Ruina : Auto Cannon-Ex
Plates of Honor
Forgotten Ruin : All the mobs of the land
Astral Board X2 - Green
Fort Ruina : Hound S-01
Astral Board Card : Type Zero Black
Port Lux : Crag Turtle, Stone Golem, Dark Blader, Flame Hounds
Fort Ruina : Hound S-01, Mechamender, Mechazard, Auto Cannons-Ex
Undead Ground : Zombie Slater
Astral Board Card : Type Zero Silver
Port Lux : Peryton, Peryton+
Undead Ground : Ghost Blader, Wraith
Blue Bike
B1F : Legacy chest in B1F (last one), Mergaheph’s Chest
Ruina Station : Any chest of the dungeon.
Bike RW-3
Ruina Station : Any chest of the dungeon.
Lakeside : Berderk Faello
Forgotten Ruin : Monakus Karion
Volcanic Citadel : Force Archer Boss
B1F : Vampire chest (Pertz)
Slot extender (High)
Lakeside : Bloody Harpy Slave, Bloody Harpy Warrior, Berderk Faello
B1F : Pertz’s Chest, Megaherph’s Chest
Slot Extender (Medium)
B1F : Last Legacy Chest of the Dungeon.
Volcanic Citadel : Last chest of the Dungeon
Lake in Dusk : Zigdris Faello
Slot extender (Low)
Fort Ruina : Mechzard
Volcanic Citadel : Paaks (chest)
DT Dungeons 60+ : Any mob of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : @the Blader Boss (Tareupeu? last one) chest - the one on the right side of the last boss room.
Plasma Coating Kit
Lake in Dusk : Troll
Ruina Station : Any mob inside the dungeon
B1F : Ice Baba Yaga, Ice Ghoul Warrior, Bloody Bat, Ice Hounds (near Werewolf), Frozen Slaughter Zombies
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any mob in the dungeon
Chaos Arena : Pluma (lvl 125-170)
B2F : Andreas Schultz Chest
Powerless Core
Mutant Forest : Branny, Ectoleafs, Ectoflowers, Mushed
Undead Ground : Lihorns
Port Lux : Dark Bladers, Golems
Upgrade Core Highest
Pontus Ferrum : ARM-01 Assassin, UMD-02 Cornus
Common Metal Fragment
Ruina Station : Mecha Ape Archer, Mecha Buffalo
50x Hp Potion(Lv3)
50x MP Potion(Lv3)
50x Return Stone
Upgrade Core(Low)
Upgrade Core(Medium)
Upgrade Core(High)
Force Core(High)
Slot Extender(Low)
Slot Extender(Medium)
Map Part
Muster Card Ruina Station
Epaulette of the Dead
Epaulette of the Dead(B2F)
Plates of Honor
Astral Board - All types
Astral Bike RW-3
Plasma Coating Kit
Epaulette of Fighter/Sage/Guardian +6
Any Extract potions
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Epaullete/World Entry/Normal Item/Rare Iten/Chaos Lamp:Drop List
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