Courtesy of skiesofcroda...
Elder Quest List
*Quest* Means that you need to complete this quest
to unlock the urgent to the next * level.
Quest 1: Deliver 5 Mountain Herbs
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 300z
Quest 2: Deliver 3 Anteka Antlers
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 300z
*Quest 3*: Slay 5 Giaprey
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 300z
*Quest 4*: Deliver 3 Popo Tongues
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 300z
Mini Boss: Tigrex
*Quest 5*: Slay 3 Blangos
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 300z
URGENT: Slay the Giadrome
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Quest 1: Gathering. Just Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket when you're done
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 12z
Quest 2: Gathering. Just Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket when you're done
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 12z
Quest 3: Gathering. Just Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket when you're done
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 12z
*Quest 4*: Slay the Giadrome
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
*Quest 5*: Hunt the Bulldrome
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 200z
Reward: 1200z
Quest 6: Slay 20 Giaprey
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Mini Boss: Giadrome
Quest 7: Slay 5 Blangos
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Mini Boss: Bulldrome
Quest 8: Deliver 15 Mountain Herbs
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Quest 9: Hunt the Velocidrome
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
*Quest 10*: Hunt the Kut-Ku
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 250z
Reward: 1500z
*Quest 11*: Hunt the Congalala
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 250z
Reward: 1500z
Quest 12: Slay 10 Congas
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Mini Boss: Velocidrome
Quest 13: Slay 20 Vespoids
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Quest 14: Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Mini Boss: Velocidrome
Quest 15: Hunt the Gendrome
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Quest 16: Hunt the Cephadrome
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 200z
Reward: 1200z
*Quest 17*: Deliver 3 Piscine Livers
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 200z
Reward: 1200z
Mini Boss: Gendrome
Quest 18: Deliver 2 Goldenfish
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Mini Boss: Cephadrome (but he shouldn't be an issue at all)
Note: Bring Goldenfish Bait. Makes it a hell of a lot easier. And if
you don't see 'em, just leave and return to the area. They'll
show eventually.
URGENT: Hunt the Khezu
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 350z
Reward: 2100z
Quest 1: Gathering. Just Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket when you're done
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 12z
Quest 2: Gathering. Just Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket when you're done
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 12z
*Quest 3*: Hunt the Khezu
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 350z
Reward: 2100z
Quest 4: Deliver 3 Khezu Whelps
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 200z
Reward: 1200z
Mini Boss: Giadrome
Note: Go up to the very top area and follow the wall. There's a semi
secret tunnel there. Go through it, climb to the top and mine the
kusha skin.
*Quest 5*: Slay 10 Blangos
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Mini Boss: Giadrome
Quest 6: Hunt the Daiymo Hermitaur
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 300z
Reward: 1800z
Quest 7: Hunt the Green Plessie
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 400z
Reward: 2400z
Quest 8: Slay 10 Hermitaurs
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Mini Boss: Congalala
Quest 9: Hunt the Purple Gypceros
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 350z
Reward: 2100z
*Quest 10*: Hunt the Daimyo Hermitaur
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 300z
Reward: 1800z
Quest 11: Hunt the Plesioth
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 350z
Reward: 2100z
Quest 12: Slay 20 Genprey
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
Mini Boss: Gendrome
*Quest 13*: Hunt the Gypceros
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 300z
Reward: 1800z
Quest 14: Hunt the Blue Kut-Ku
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 300z
Reward: 1800z
Quest 15: Hunt the Congalala
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 250z
Reward: 1500z
Quest 16: Hunt the Iodrome
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 200z
Reward: 1200z
Quest 17: Hunt Kut-Ku
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 250z
Reward: 1500z
*Quest 18*: Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 150z
Reward: 900z
URGENT: Hunt the Blangonga
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 500z
Reward: 3000z
4* (note: Until you unlock Garuga, the quests after it will
have one number lower than they show up as having in here)
Quest 1: Gathering. Just Deliver the Paw Pass Ticket when you're done
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 0z
Reward: 12z
*Quest 2*: Hunt the Blangonga
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 500z
Reward: 3000z
Quest 3: Hunt the Red Khezu
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 450z
Reward: 2700z
Quest 4: Hunt Garuga
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 600z
Reward: 3600z
Note: Unlock by killing at least 10 Kut-Kus
Quest 5: Hunt 2 Velocidrome
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 250z
Reward: 1500z
Quest 6: Slay 20 Hornetaurs
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 200z
Reward: 1200z
Mini Boss: Congalala
*Quest 7*: Hunt the Monoblos
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 500z
Reward: 3000z
Quest 8: Hunt the White Monoblos
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 600z
Reward: 3600z
Quest 9: Hunt the Shogun Ceanataur
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 500z
Reward: 3000z
Quest 10: Hunt Kut-Ku and the Blue Kut-Ku
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 500z
Reward: 3000z
Quest 11: Hunt the Iodrome
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 300z
Reward: 1800z
*Quest 12*: Hunt the Basarios
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 400z
Reward: 2400z
*Quest 13*: Hunt the Shogun Ceanataur
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 500z
Reward: 3000z
Quest 14: Slay 20 Ioprey
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 200z
Reward: 1200z
Mini Boss: Basarios
Quest 15: Slay 10 Ceanataurs
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 200z
Reward: 1200z
Mini Boss: Iodrome
*Quest 16*: Deliver 15 pieces of Coal
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 200z
Reward: 1200z
Mini Boss: Shogun Ceanataur
Quest 17: Repel or Slay Kusha
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 750z
Reward: 4500z
Note: Elder Dragon; Appears Randomly
Quest 18: Repel or Slay Kusha
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 750z
Reward: 4500z
Note: Elder Dragon; Appears Randomly
Quest 19: Slay 20 Hermitaurs
Location: Mini Arena
Quest Cost: 250z
Reward: 1500z
URGENT: Hunt the Tigrex
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 750z
Reward: 4500z
5* (note that all the quests after the kirin quest will have
1 lower number if he isn't there. So look for a Red named
quest on the second quest. If it's Red, then he's there.
If not, he's not. He shows up randomly, so you'll have to
make sure you check this everytime you do a 5* quest)
*Quest 1*: Hunt the Tigrex
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 750z
Reward: 4500z
Quest 2: Slay the Kirin
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 750z
Reward: 4500z
Note: Appears randomly
Quest 3: Hunt 2 Blangongas
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 850z
Reward: 5100z
*Quest 4*: Hunt Regular and Purple Gypceros
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 600z
Reward: 3600z
Quest 5: Hunt the Tigrex
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 750z
Reward: 4500z
*Quest 6*: Hunt the Diablos
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 750z
Reward: 4200z
Quest 7: Hunt the Black Diablos
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 800z
Reward: 4800z
*Quest 8*: Hunt 2 Daimyo Hermitaurs
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 600z
Reward: 3600z
Quest 9: Hunt the Black Gravios
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 800z
Reward: 4800z
Quest 10: Slay 5 Shakalakas
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 500z
Reward: 3000z
Mini Boss: Blue Kut-Ku
Note: Look for slightly odd, red colored mushrooms. If they don't pop
out the first time you go up to 'em, come back later after you've
killed some other ones.
*Quest 11*: Hunt the Gravios
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 700z
Reward: 4200z
Quest 12: Slay 10 Remobras
Location: Tower
Quest Cost: 500z
Reward: 3000z
Note: the elder dragons after this point appear randomly and can mess
up the list. So play close attention when you are picking your
Quest 13: Repel or Slay Luna
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 900z
Reward: 5400z
Note: Elder Dragon; appears randomly
Quest 14: Repel or Slay Luna
Location: Tower
Quest Cost: 900z
Reward: 5400z
Note: Elder Dragon; appears randomly
Quest 15: Repel or Slay Chameleos
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 850z
Reward: 5100z
Note: Elder Dragon; appears randomly
Quest 16: Repel or Slay Chameleos
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 850z
Reward: 5100z
Note: Elder Dragon; appears randomly
Quest 17: Hunt Mini Khezu
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 600z
Reward: 3600z
Note: he's so small and cute :3 (milk)
Quest 18: Hunt 2 Congalala
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 700z
Reward: 4200z
URGENT: Hunt the Rathalos and Rathian
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 1400z
Reward: 8400z
*Quest 1*: Hunt the Rathalos and Rathian
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 1400z
Reward: 8400z
Quest 2: Hunt the Plessie and Green Plessie
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 750z
Reward: 4500z
*Quest 3*: Hunt the Pink Rathian
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 750z
Reward: 4500z
*Quest 4*: Hunt the Diablos and the Black Diablos
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 1650z
Reward: 9900z
Note: Next to quests appear randomly, so they can mess up the count.
Quest 5: Repel or Slay Teo
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 6000z
Note: Elder Dragon; Appears Randomly
Quest 6: Repel or Slay Teo
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 6000z
Note: Elder Dragon; Appears Randomly
Quest 7: Hunt the 2 Shogun Ceanataurs
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 6000z
*Quest 8*: Hunt the Azure Rathalos
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 800z
Reward: 4800z
*Quest 9*: Repel or Slay Shen Goren
Location: Town
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 9000z
Note: Do the other starred quests to unlock
Quest 10: Hunt 2 Rajang
Location: Arena
Quest Cost: 3500z
Reward: 21000z
Note: Clear all low classed elder quests
Quest 11: Repel or Slay Lao Shan Lung (regular)
Location: Fort
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 9000z
URGENT: Hunt the Hypnoc
Location: Rainforest
Quest Cost: 1200z
Reward: 7200z
felyne chief (note. the felyne elder quests are basically offline
G or hard ranked quests. You can spawn anywhere on the map including in
secret areas and supplies are randomly delivered (except in multi kill
quests where they are delivered after 2 monsters are killed)
7* Quests
*Quest 1*: Slay 20 bullfangos
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 600z
Reward: 3600z
Mini Boss: Bulldrome
Quest 2: Slay 15 Shakas
Location: Mini Arena
Quest Cost: 700z
Reward: 4200z
Note: After Killing 10, the king shaka appears.
Quest 3: Slay 20 Velociprey
Location: Mini Arena
Quest Cost: 550z
Reward: 3300z
Note: The other varieties don't count.
Quest 4: Slay the Vespoid Queen
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 850z
Reward: 5100z
Mini Boss: Velocidrome
Note: Kill a bunch of Vespoid to make her spawn area 6.
*Quest 5*: Hunt the Hypnoc
Location: Rainforest
Quest Cost: 1200z
Reward: 7200z
Quest 6: Hunt the Cephadrome
Location: Old Desert
Quest Cost: 800z
Reward: 4800z
Mini Boss: Gendrome
Quest 7: Hunt the regular Gypceros
Location: Old Swamp
Quest Cost: 1000z
Reward: 6000z
Quest 8: Hunt the Purple Gypceros
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 1100z
Reward: 6600z
Mini Boss: Bulldrome
*Quest 9*: Hunt the Basarios
Location: Old Swamp
Quest Cost: 1150z
Reward: 6900z
*Quest 10*: Hunt the Khezu
Location: Old Jungle
Quest Cost: 1150z
Reward: 6900z
Quest 11: Hunt the Red Khezu
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 1250z
Reward: 7500z
Mini Boss: Giadrome
*Quest 12*: Slay as many Congalala as you can
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 1200z
Reward: 7200z
Note: Kill 2 to make paw pass ticket apear in supply box
(turn in ticket to clear quest)
Quest 13: Slay as many Daimyo Hermitaur as you can
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 1200z
Reward: 7200z
Note: Kill 2 to make paw pass ticket apear in supply box
(turn in ticket to clear quest)
Quest 14: Hunt Kut-Ku, then Daimyo Hermitaur
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 1400z
Reward: 8400z
Note: Daimyo wont apear until after you have slain kut-ku
URGENT: Hunt the Monoblos and White Monoblos
Location: Old Desert
Quest Cost: 2400z
Reward: 14400z
8* Quests
Quest 1: Slay 15 Remobra
Location: Arena
Quest Cost: 1000z
Reward: 6000z
Mini Boss: Iodrome
*Quest 2*: Hunt two Hypnok
Location: Rainforest
Quest Cost: 1750z
Reward: 10500z
Quest 3: Hunt the Plessie
Location: Old Desert
Quest Cost: 1250z
Reward: 7500z
Quest 4: Hunt two Green Plessies Yay. >_>
Location: Old Jungle
Quest Cost: 1800z
Reward: 10800z
*Quest 5*: Hunt the Garuga
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 1300z
Reward: 7800z
Quest 6: Hunt the Monoblos
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 1300z
Reward: 7800z
*Quest 7*: Hunt the Monoblos and White Monoblos
Location: Old Desert
Quest Cost: 2400z
Reward: 14400z
Quest 8: Swarm of Kut Ku's. Hunt Blue and Regular Kut-Ku
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 1200z
Reward: 7200z
Note: After killing them both, supplies will be delivered and you can
turn in a paw pass ticket. Or you can keep going I believe.
Quest 9: Slay as many Basarios as you can.
Location: Old Volcano
Quest Cost: 1350z
Reward: 8100z
Note: Supplies and Paw Pass Ticket delivered after you kill 2. Hand
in the ticket to end it then.
*Quest 10*: Slay as many Shogun Ceanataurs as you can.
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 9000z
Note: Supplies and Paw Pass Ticket delivered after you kill 2. Hand
in the ticket to end it then.
*Quest 11*: Slay as many Blangongas as you can.
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 9000z
Note: Supplies and Paw Pass Ticket delivered after you kill 2. Hand
in the ticket to end it then.
Quest 12: Hunt the Plessie, then the White Monoblos
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 2200z
Reward: 13200z
Quest 13: Hunt the Congalala, then the Shogun Ceanataur
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 2000z
Reward: 12000z
Quest 14: Hunt the Gypceros, then the Hypnok
Location: Jungle
Quest Cost: 2000z
Reward: 12000z
Quest 15: Hunt the Khezu, then the Green Plessie
Location: Old Jungle
Quest Cost: 2200z
Reward: 13200z
Note: The Elder Dragons (save lao) appear randomly. They may not appear
until after you clear the urgent. I know I didn't notice them before that
Quest 16: Repel or Kill Rusted Kusha
Location: Town
Quest Cost: 1700z
Reward: 10200z
Quest 17: Repel or Kill Luna
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 1900z
Reward: 11400z
Quest 18: Repel or Kill Luna
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 1900z
Reward: 11400z
Quest 19: Repel or Kill Azure Lao
Location: Fort
Quest Cost: 4000z
Reward: 24000z
URGENT: Hunt the Naruga
Location: Rainforest
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 9000z
9* Quests
*Quest 1*: Hunt the Naruga
Location: Rainforest
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 9000z
Quest 2: Hunt the Naruga
Location: Old Jungle
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 9000z
*Quest 3*: Hunt dual Tigrex
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 2500z
Reward: 15000z
Quest 4: Hunt the Rathalos
Location: Old Volcano
Quest Cost: 1450z
Reward: 8700z
Quest 5: Hunt the Rathian
Location: Old Desert
Quest Cost: 1350z
Reward: 8100z
Quest 6: Hunt Azure Los and Pink Ian
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 3000z
Reward: 18000z
Quest 7: Hunt the Devil Blos (diablos that starts with a broken horn)
Location: Desert
Quest Cost: 1450z
Reward: 8700z
Quest 8: Hunt both Black Blos
Location: Old Desert
Quest Cost: 2700z
Reward: 16200z
Quest 9: Hunt Gravios
Location: Old Volcano
Quest Cost: 1450z
Reward: 8700z
Mini Boss: Iodrome (needs confirmation)
Quest 10: Hunt both Black Gravios. joy >_>
Location: Old Volcano
Quest Cost: 2700z
Reward: 16200z
*Quest 11*: Hunt Silver Los
Location: Ruins
Quest Cost: 1650z
Reward: 9900z
*Quest 12*: Hunt Gold Ian
Location: Ruins
Quest Cost: 1550z
Reward: 9300z
*Quest 13*: Hunt Silver Los and Gold Ian
Location: Old Swamp
Quest Cost: 3250z
Reward: 19500z
Note: Does not appear until Quests 11 and 12 are cleared
*Quest 14*: Hunt Rajang
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 1650z
Reward: 9900z
Quest 15: Kill Kirin
Location: Old Jungle
Quest Cost: 1500z
Reward: 9000z
Quest 16: Hunt Blangonga, then Tigrex
Location: Mountains
Quest Cost: 2350z
Reward: 14100z
Quest 17: Hunt Gravios, then Shogun Ceantaur
Location: Volcano
Quest Cost: 2350z
Reward: 14100z
Quest 18: Hunt Kut-Ku, then Hypnok, then Garuga.
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 2600z
Reward: 15600z
Quest 19: Hunt Monoblos, then Daimyo Hermitaur, then Rathian
Location: Old Desert
Quest Cost: 2800z
Reward: 16800z
The Elder Dragons (save shen, but he's a crab) appear randomly
They may not appear until after you clear the urgent. I know I didn't notice them before that
Quest 20: Repel or Kill Chameleos
Location: Forest and Hills
Quest Cost: 1800z
Reward: 10800z
Quest 21: Repel or Slay Chameleos
Location: Old Jungle
Quest Cost: 1800z
Reward: 10800z
Quest 22: Repel or Slay Teo
Location: Swamp
Quest Cost: 2000z
Reward: 12000z
Quest 23: Repel or Slay Teo
Location: Town
Quest Cost: 2000z
Location: 12000z
*Quest 24*: Kill Shen Goren
Location: Fort
Quest Cost: 4000z
Reward: 24000z
Quest 25: Slay Rathalos, then Tigrex, then naruga, then Rajang
Location: Arena
Quest Cost: 7000z
Reward: 42000z
Note: Only appears upon the clearing of all other elder quests
URGENT: Kill Akantor
Location: Battlegrounds
Quest Cost: 6000z
Reward: 36000z
Friday, January 9, 2009
Elder quest guide
Monster Hunter Portable 2G
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