Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Shaman Skills and their Prerequisites

Shaman Skills and their Prerequisites


Skill NameRequired LevelSkill Points to Lv1Prerequisite SkillPrerequisite Stat
Vampiric Attack71Breath Of Life 2Int 54
Breath of Life11N/AInt 54
Sacrificial Ritual172Breath of Life 2Int82
Inspire273Vampiric Attack 3Int 109
Fortify374Breath of Life 4Int 137
Arcane Recovery274Vampiric Attack 3Int 137
Revitalize475Sacrificial Ritual 3Int 164
Enhanced Vampiric Attack475Inspire 2Int 164
Haste576Inspire 2Int 192
Heaven's Treatment677Revitalize 2Int 219
Confusion Strike778Fortify 3Int 247
Magma Explosion778Vampiric Attack 3Int 247
Massive Haste879Haste 3Int 274
Berserk Aura10711Haste 3Int 340
Resurrection11712Heaven's Treatment 2Int 357
Spear Guardian's Wrath12713Heaven's Treatment 2Int 385


Skill NameRequired LevelSkill Points to Lv1Prerequisite SkillPrerequisite Stat
Incineration71N/AInt 54
Weaken172Incineration 2Int 82
MP Regeneration374Weaken 1Int 137
Gaia Dragon Strike475Incineration 4Int 164
Dragon of Cold Icycle576Incineration 2Int 192
Amplified Effect576Gaia Dragon Strike 6Int 192
Frost Incantation677Dragon of Cold Icycle 2Int 219
Serpent's Venom778Incineration 4Int 247
Petrify879Gaia Dragon Strike 3Int 274
Dark Souls9710Incineration 5Int 302
Vigor Explosion10711Petrify 2Int 329
Enhanced Weaken11712Serpent's Venom 2Int 357
Infernal Punishment12713Petrify 2Int 385


Skill NameRequired LevelSkill Points to Lv1Prerequisite SkillPrerequisite Stat
Rapid Pierce11N/APow 20
Drilling Strike173N/APow 40
Spear Mastery273Rapid Pierce 3Pow 65
Enhanced Drilling StrikeN/A4Rapid Pierce 3Pow 90
Lunar Catastrophe576N/APow 135
Gift Of Life576N/APow 135
Radial Spear Strike778Lunar Catastrophe 2Pow 180
Spectral Pierce879N/APow 205
Shin Ryu Attack9710Enhanced Drilling Strike 3Pow 225
Tremor10711Spectral Pierce 2Pow 250
Flight of the Crane11712Shin Ryu Attack 2Pow 270
Demon Spear Dance12713Shin Ryu Attack 2Pow 295
Roaring Moon14714N/AN/A

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