Tuesday, June 30, 2009

GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)

1. Public key pair generation & maintenance for all users on system. Keys are stored in ~/.gunpg
2. Encrypt/Decrypt files - based on communication partner's public key
3. Encrypt/Decrypt E-mails - based on recipient's public key
4. Generate/Manage digital signatures(means of proving identity)

###Install GPG###
1. www.sunfreeware.com
2. gunzip gnupg-1.2.6-sol10-intel-local.gz && pkgadd -d gnupg-1.2.6-sol10-intel-local

Note: GPG manages by default, 2 key chains:
1. Public - your public key, and potentially others
a. use 'gpg --list-keys' to enumerate public keys
2. Private - your private key(s)

Note: gpg uses recipient's public key to encrypt communications(e-mail/files)

###Create Public/Private Key-Pair###
gpg --gen-key
Note: 'gpg --gen-key' functions similarly to 'ssh-keygen' utility
Note: passphrase is associated with 'private key' of pub/priv pair

Note: GPG is compatible with PGP

###Import other's public keys###

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