For an Apache web server the combinations you would use are:
SAMP - Solaris Apache MySQL PHP/Perl
LAMP - Linux Apache MySQL PHP/Perl/Python
Modular & Reliable
2 Versions (1.3.33 & 2.0.50) are included with Solaris 10
svcs -a | grep -i apache
Note: Apache2 documentation is available @: http://localhost/manual
Steps to invoke Apache on Solaris 10:
1. cp /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
2. update servername & server admin directives for main server
3. svcadm enable apache2
4. netstat -anP tcp | grep 80 && http://localhost/manual
Note: Typical classes of web server errors:
200 - OK
300 - Redirect
400 - client error
500 - server errors
Note: Apache ALWAYS maintains a DEFAULT HOST. Config is in httpd.conf and outside of ANY and ALL virtual hosts containers
Note: Apache requires the following info. for the DEFAULT HOST:
1. ServerName linuxcbtsun1.linuxcbt.internal
2. ServerAdmin
3. DocumentRoot - where to serve content from
4. IP Address:Port to bind to - optional
5. Logging information - custom/combined & error logs
Note: Listen directive controls IPs and ports that Apache binds to
Note: specify 'Listen' directive(s) in the DEFAULT HOST(httpd.conf)
Note: You can specify multiple Listen Directives
Note: Apache binds to ALL IP addresses when 'Listen' is specified without an IP address
-Virtual Host 1
-Virtual Host 2
<Directory "/var/apache2/htdocs">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory "/var/apache2/htdocs/temp">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Note: <Directory "/var/apache2/htdocs"> - applies to all sub-directories
###Order, Allow, Deny Rules###
Note: Order is specified and Deny or Allow or combination follows
Note: Allow|Deny supports the following attributes
1. IP Address -
2. IP Address range
3. IP Subnet Mask using CIDR or Class notation - or
4. 192.168.1
5. ALL
6. Environment variables - referrer, user agents
Used to influence default doc: DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var
LogFormat is used to define logging keywords that can be referenced
Apache can log to multiple log files, various keywords, simultaneously
###Alias Directive###
Maps webspace location to file system location, usually non-document root
###Files Directive###
Facilitates restrictions on matchings files regardless of location on server
<Files noaccess.html>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Note: When applied OUTSIDE of <Directory> block, applies to all instances of named file throughout the web server
Task: Create web-accessible directory, but, restrict access to certain IPs
1. mkdir /var/apache2/private
2. Create appropriate Alias - Alias /private/ /var/apache2/private/
3. Create appropriate <Directory> block
###Virtual Hosts Support###
2 Types of Virtual Hosts are supported:
1. IP-based - Each virtual host is associated with a distinct address
2. Name Based - All or a group of Virtual Hosts share a distinct address
###IP-based Virtual Hosting###
Note: System requires multiple IP addresses
Note: Default Apache Host binds to ALL IP addresses on port 80
1. Implement appropriate 'Listen' directive
2. Configure Virtual Hosts
3. Restart Apache
4. Test configuration
ServerName linuxcbtsun1.linuxcbt.internal
ServerAdmin unixcbt@linuxcbtsun1.linuxcbt.internal
DocumentRoot /var/apache2/ipvhost1
ErrorLog /var/apache2/logs/ipvhost1.error.log
CustomLog /var/apache2/logs/ipvhost1.access.log
Note: Apache will serve content from the DocumentRoot of DEFAULT HOST if a request does NOT match any of the Virtual Hosts
ServerName linuxcbtsun3.linuxcbt.internal
ServerAdmin unixcbt@linuxcbtsun1.linuxcbt.internal
DocumentRoot /var/apache2/ipvhost2
ErrorLog /var/apache2/logs/ipvhost2.error.log
CustomLog /var/apache2/logs/ipvhost2.access.log combined
###NameBased Virtual Hosting###
Facilitates the sharing of 1 IP address by a group of web sites
1. Define appropriate Listen directive(s)
2. Define appropriate NameVirtualHost directive(s)
3. Define Virtual Hosts
4. Restart Apache
5. Confirm configuration
Listen 80
NameVirtualHost *:80 - means to permit NameBased Virtual Hosts on ALL IPs
Note: NameVirtualHost directive MUST match VirtualHost directive
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName linuxcbtsun1.linuxcbt.internal
ServerAdmin unixcbt@linuxcbtsun1.linuxcbt.internal
DocumentRoot /var/apache2/namevhost1
ErrorLog /var/apache2/logs/namevhost1.error.log
CustomLog /var/apache2/logs/namevhost2.access.log combined
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Apache Web Server Notes
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