Thursday, May 21, 2009

Replace a faulty drive from an array

Array was d0 with d10 and d20 as submirrors

# Detach the faulty disk
root@server:# metadetach -f d0 d10

# and remove the disk from the array
root@server:# metaclear d10

# delete the SDR from the disk
root@server:# metadb -f -d c?t?d?s?

# If hot swap then replace the disk

# Copy the vtoc from the good disk to a file
root@server:# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?s? > vtoc.c?t?d?s?

# and copy to the new disk
root@server:# fmthard -s vtoc.c?t?d?s? /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?s?

# Add the new disk to the array
root@server:# metainit d10 1 1 c?t?d?s?

# and atach to the array. Will sync to existing drive
root@server:# metattach d0 d10

# add an SDR to the new disk
root@server:# metadb -a -c 1 c?t?d?s?

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