Sunday, May 17, 2009

ILOM infos

Here are some ILOM informations you may use. ILOM is the system management firmware you can use to monitor, manage, and configure a variety of Sun server platforms. If you are a UNIX administrator you would normally be familiar to it as a way to console servers.

Sun ILOM on v20z

To setup the ilom you can select Use Defaults from front panel and then add an admin user with -
ssh setup@ipaddress

To enable serial over lan -
ssh admin@ipaddress platform set console -s sp -e -S 9600

To disable -
ssh admin@ipaddress platform set console -s platform

Connect to the ilom with ssh then to start the console -
platform console

To exit the console and return to the ilom
CTRL-E c .
or you can disconnect the ssh session with

To power on/off the system -
platform set power state on
platform set power state off

To display the mac address -
platform get mac

Sun ILOM on x4100

To set static ip address -
log in
cd /SP/network
set pendingipaddrss=x.x.x.x
set pendingnetmask=255.255.255.x
set pendinggateway=y.y.y.y
set commitpending=true

show /SP/network

To get to the console -
start /SP/console

To exit from console -

To power on/off and reset the system -
start /SYS
stop /SYS
reset /SYS

show /SYS

To reboot the ilom -
reset /SP

Sun x4150 ILOM

Show the IP address info for the ilom
show /SP/network

Set the IP address for the ilom
set /SP/network IPSource=static
set /SP/network
set /SP/network
set /SP/network

Power on, off and reset the host
start /SYS
stop /SYS
reset /SYS

Power off the host gracefully
set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=graceful_off

Reboot to the BIOS
set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=BIOSSetup

Reboot to the diagnosis program
set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=PCCheck_enable

Start the console
start /SP/AgentInfo/Console

When started use ESC-SHIFT-9 to return to the SP (may need to try a few times)

Stop the console
stop /SP/AgentInfo/Console

Display information on serial port settings (external and host)
show /SP/serial/external
show /SP/serial/host

Set the serial port settings for terminal access
set /SP/serial/host pendingspeed=57600 commitpending=true

Sun T5120 ILOM

# Show the IP address info for the ilom
show /SP/network

# Set the IP address for the ilom
-> set /SP/network state=enabled
-> set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=static
-> set /SP/network pendingipaddress=
-> set /SP/network pendingipnetmask=
-> set /SP/network pendingipgateway=
-> set /SP/network commitpending=true

-> set/SP/pendingipdiscovery=dhcp
-> set /SP/network commitpending=true

# Power on, off and reset the host
start /SYS
stop /SYS
reset /SYS

# Start the console
start /SP/AgentInfo/Console

When started use #. to return to the SP (may need to try a few times)

# Create a user that has the ALOM interface - Needed if you want to upgrade the system firmware
create /SP/users/admin role=Administrator cli_mode=alom

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